So, contrary to popular belief, we have not dropped off the face of the earth. Though pictures from the last few months DO indeed exist, I can't bear to relive the moments. Instead, I will post this single photograph to sum up what our lives have consisted of lately. We moved into a wonderful home that will be beautiful when Mike is finished with it. A lesson has been learned about living with construction. A level of patience has been developed that was previously thought reserved for only saints and nuns. And we are still alive. Dust filled, gray haired, baggy-eyed & with shopping & to-do lists a mile long, but alive. If you feel the need to ask how the move is going, don't. When we have healed & time has erased some of the memory, we will post glorious pictures. Until then, let this serve as a warning to you all... do not live with constuction AND toddlers... especially over the holidays. It's simply too much.